Defending the American Way of Life
The Unraveling of We The People
“The American Republic faces terrible challenges – and David Lantz tells us how we got here, and what we can do to start fixing matters.“
Dr. David Randall, Director of Research – National Association of Scholars
The Battle to Defend the American Way of Life
How do you have a good, even a great, country, without good people?
John Adams, our second president, must have thought about that question. Adams once said: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
Indeed, President Washington, in his First Inaugural Address, said that “the foundations of our National policy will be laid in the pure and immutable principles of private morality.” Clearly, our Founding Fathers realized that in order to have a good country, the people themselves had to be good.
Why have our schools failed to teach these things? It is very clear that a focused, concerted effort has been proceeding for years under the noses of the American public to destroy the American Way of Life.

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The Context: A focused, concerted effort has been proceeding for years under the noses of the American public to destroy the American Way of Life. The vast majority of Americans know nothing about this movement and the hidden agenda that lies behind it.
The Inspiration: In June of 2020, Tom Klingenstein wrote an essay titled “Preserving the American Way of Life.” In the nearly four years since he wrote that essay, conservatives have placed their trust in the belief that a revelation of the truth behind the attempted coup of President Trump and the origins of the Trump/Russia Conspiracy Hoax would somehow “fix” America. This is a false hope. While it would be great if it came true, we cannot afford to rely on this hope.
I’m Taking Action. I’m an adjunct college instructor teaching economics and political science. While most people know little to nothing about how our constitutional republic is designed to work in a free market economy, there is a growing hunger to learn more about how to make America great again. And so, to aid in that effort, I’m creating a Rumble Account and Truth Social Account where I can post a series of videos and blog posts on the general topic of Defending the American Way of Life.
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When you sign up for my newsletter, Defending the American Way of Life, I’ll provide you a link to two of my essays: Restoring Faith, Family & the American Work Ethic, as well as the essay which launched my book, The Unraveling. You’ll also receive notifications when I add content to my Rumble Account.

Samples from: Defending the American Way of Life
C. S. Lewis said “You cannot make men good by law. Without good men, you cannot have a good society.” In this video series, I’ll talk about why the U.S. Constitution requires a moral and religious citizenry.

Is America unraveling? Could the fact that America no longer trusts in God, even though it says we do on our money, have anything to do with answering this question? This video series examines why our nation is unraveling.

Why is Climate Change worshipped like the Mother Earth goddess, Gaia? Who is benefitting from the billions of dollars being spent on what could be argued is a giant con job? This video series explores this question.