Traveling Your High Tech Journey

Two internet futurists – John Hagel and Arthur Armstrong – argued in their book “Net Gain,” that this form of virtual community would be the wave of the future. They were right. Today, you can form groups on websites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and many others. Many companies have places that you can leave online comments/criticisms, and even interact with other users of the company’s product or service.
For me, I saw a trend emerging that would transform how information is provided via the Internet. I was able to see how God might use the ability to teach online to conduct bible studies, online conversations about faith, and other forms of evangelism outreach. 1 John 1:7 comes to mind about creating fellowship even online. The verse says: “If we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.”
In this series of posts, I’ll take a look at the story of my life, and see how I came to learn the things I’ve learned, how I’ve set goals for myself, and then applied the things I learned to help me achieve my goals. Along the way, I will talk about my struggles to learn and apply a myriad of technology tools that didn’t even exist when I was going to school. As I examine my own High Tech Journey to a Linked In World, I encourage you to do the same. Together, we’ll come to understand the unique Mission from God has in store for each of us. I hope you’ll join me as we Travel Your High-Tech Journey to a Linked In World.
in 2006 God laid on my heart the idea to create an E-Newsletter that would explore God’s Truth and share it with a Post-Modern culture. After teaching myself how to “hard code” a website with HTML, I had purchased a software package called Front Page. Designed by Microsoft, it was an early web development tool. I thought back to my experience of the late 1980s and early 1990s of writing a twice monthly newsletter called Indiana Issues. Now, using Front Page to design it and Microsoft Outlook to deliver it, I would send this message, not via the “snail mail” technology of the 20th century, but via a Web Based Email technology platform of the 21st century.
I decided to select scenes from modern movies and use them as a springboard into a conversation to help answer the question found in John 18:37 where Pilot asks Jesus “What Is Truth?” The idea is to simply use the shared experience of watching a movie, find a spiritual quality in that movie, and use it to start a conversation with the culture about the truths of the Bible. I call the newsletter Conversations with the Culture. Today, I send this email out once a month to nearly 1,500 people worldwide.
Can you “connect the dots” of your life to see how God has created a vehicle to move you along each Journey Step in your Mission from God? Join me for a discussion of this as we examine our High Tech Journey to a Linked In World.