In the 1830s and 1840s, the author Nathaniel Hawthorne published a series of short stories titled Twice Told Tales. One of those short stories was called The Gray Champion. I first became aware of this short story in a book titled Generations: The History of America’s...
The Unraveling
Providing Cultural Leadership Via the Viral Loop
A tech savvy millennial generation led by liberal progressives is dominating the something I call the “viral loop.” The concept behind this is very simple: Display an image, meme, or short video with a teaser about more information if you “click on this link.” Clicking on the link takes you to a more in-depth article from a politically left-wing source. You are encouraged to share these sources so that your friends will repeat the process. This is the high-tech equivalent of “word of mouth marketing.” The question is: How do we on the conservative side compete when they seem to be so entrenched in the media culture?
The Unraveling: Trading In a Melting Pot for a Salad Bowl
The Declaration of Independence contains this immortal statement: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of...
The Unraveling: The Destruction of the Four Virtues
In his book, Coming Apart, researcher Charles Murray identifies what he calls The Four Founding Virtues of American culture – industriousness, honesty, marriage, and religion. In this post, I would like to examine how a concerted effort led by liberal/progressive academics and their political allies among the elite ruling class of the 1920s and 30s worked to unravel these founding virtues.
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