
Blog Articles

Personal Reflections from The Chronicles of Belteshazzar: Exile to Babylon

In Chapter 5, I explore the relationships that both Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar may have had with their fathers. I’ll use this discussion to consider the kind of relationship we have or (or had) with our earthly fathers.

Personal Reflections from the Chronicles of Belteshazzar: King Jehoiakim Surrenders

When I was the State Director of the Indiana Christian Coalition, I was reluctant to go to events and speak out.  I wasn’t sure how people would accept me.  While I was reluctant to do so, I knew that this was something I had to do.Back in 1997, I was driving to work,...

Personal Reflections from the Chronicles of Belteshazzar: The Story Begins

Thinking back on those years when I was a young father, they were not the best times for my own career.  In the movie, Meet the Robinsons, we see that a way to deal with failure is to keep moving forward.Sharing ideas and helping children learn can be a fun thing to...

Personal Reflections from the Chronicles of Belteshazzar: When Praying Was Illegal

Now when Daniel learned that the document was signed, he entered his house and he continued kneeling on his knees three times a day, praying and offering praise before his God, just as he had been doing previously. Daniel 6:10In Chapter Two of The Chronicles of...

Blog Articles

Journey #6: God Desires to Expand Your Comfort Zone

How has God forced you to get out of your comfort zone? Perhaps through corporate downsizing that required you to learn new skills? I believe God designs circumstances that change our attitudes about things. These changed attitudes then guide the actions we take in response to our new circumstances. If we follow His leading, He will prepare us for our mission from God.

Face the Future with Faith, Not Fear

Stepping out in faith to take ownership of my work exposed me to new opportunities. To be honest, while I never made much money with my newsletter, it in turn led to still other opportunities. From that experience, I learned to face the future with faith, not fear.

Pursuing Your Mission from God – Journey Step #4

Today, in my High Tech Journey to a Linked In World Episode 4 video, I talked about how I bought my first computer in 1987.  By today’s standards, it was a dinosaur with two 5.25 inch floppy disk drives (no hard drive!)  As time went by, I bought various programs that...

Owning and Shaping Your Journey Mindset

Daniel 2:28 says: “There is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries.” Where will the practice of owning your own skill development take you?

Journey #6: God Desires to Expand Your Comfort Zone

Journey #6: God Desires to Expand Your Comfort Zone

How has God forced you to get out of your comfort zone? Perhaps through corporate downsizing that required you to learn new skills? I believe God designs circumstances that change our attitudes about things. These changed attitudes then guide the actions we take in response to our new circumstances. If we follow His leading, He will prepare us for our mission from God.

Face the Future with Faith, Not Fear

Face the Future with Faith, Not Fear

Stepping out in faith to take ownership of my work exposed me to new opportunities. To be honest, while I never made much money with my newsletter, it in turn led to still other opportunities. From that experience, I learned to face the future with faith, not fear.

Pursuing Your Mission from God – Journey Step #4

Pursuing Your Mission from God – Journey Step #4

Today, in my High Tech Journey to a Linked In World Episode 4 video, I talked about how I bought my first computer in 1987.  By today’s standards, it was a dinosaur with two 5.25 inch floppy disk drives (no hard drive!)  As time went by, I bought various programs that...

Blog Articles

Is America Becoming “The People for the Babylonian Way?”

What images and thoughts do you associate with the word “Babylon?” For many, the name conjures images of idolatry, evil, and authoritarianism. It is the absence of personal freedom and the presence of a dictator’s rule of absolute authority. That is the world Daniel, whose name the Babylonians changed to Belteshazzar, was forced to live in. To survive, he had to live by faith, not cower in fear as they expected Daniel to do.

When Students Create Videos to Explain Economics

I teach several introductory economics classes. Over the years, I’ve seen economics courses morph into “drill and kill” computerized online testing gauntlets driven by technology laden textbooks. Aided by the introduction of online e-books that present problem after...

The Synergy of Smart Phone Apps and Church Ministry

Because we live in what Thomas Friedman calls “Age of Acceleration,” this sense of dislocation causes us to question our life’s purpose. Our search for meaning and understanding who we are and what role, if any, God plays in our lives is being severely stressed.

Is America Becoming “The People for the Babylonian Way?”

Is America Becoming “The People for the Babylonian Way?”

What images and thoughts do you associate with the word “Babylon?” For many, the name conjures images of idolatry, evil, and authoritarianism. It is the absence of personal freedom and the presence of a dictator’s rule of absolute authority. That is the world Daniel, whose name the Babylonians changed to Belteshazzar, was forced to live in. To survive, he had to live by faith, not cower in fear as they expected Daniel to do.

When Students Create Videos to Explain Economics

When Students Create Videos to Explain Economics

I teach several introductory economics classes. Over the years, I’ve seen economics courses morph into “drill and kill” computerized online testing gauntlets driven by technology laden textbooks. Aided by the introduction of online e-books that present problem after...

Blog Articles

The Unraveling: The Gray Champion Meets the Country Class

In the 1830s and 1840s, the author Nathaniel Hawthorne published a series of short stories titled Twice Told Tales. One of those short stories was called The Gray Champion. I first became aware of this short story in a book titled Generations: The History of America’s...

Providing Cultural Leadership Via the Viral Loop

A tech savvy millennial generation led by liberal progressives is dominating the something I call the “viral loop.” The concept behind this is very simple: Display an image, meme, or short video with a teaser about more information if you “click on this link.” Clicking on the link takes you to a more in-depth article from a politically left-wing source. You are encouraged to share these sources so that your friends will repeat the process. This is the high-tech equivalent of “word of mouth marketing.” The question is: How do we on the conservative side compete when they seem to be so entrenched in the media culture?

The Unraveling: Trading In a Melting Pot for a Salad Bowl

The Declaration of Independence contains this immortal statement: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of...

The Unraveling: The Destruction of the Four Virtues

In his book, Coming Apart, researcher Charles Murray identifies what he calls The Four Founding Virtues of American culture – industriousness, honesty, marriage, and religion. In this post, I would like to examine how a concerted effort led by liberal/progressive academics and their political allies among the elite ruling class of the 1920s and 30s worked to unravel these founding virtues.

The Synergy of Smart Phone Apps and Church Ministry

Because we live in what Thomas Friedman calls “Age of Acceleration,” this sense of dislocation causes us to question our life’s purpose. Our search for meaning and understanding who we are and what role, if any, God plays in our lives is being severely stressed.

The Unraveling: The Gray Champion Meets the Country Class

The Unraveling: The Gray Champion Meets the Country Class

In the 1830s and 1840s, the author Nathaniel Hawthorne published a series of short stories titled Twice Told Tales. One of those short stories was called The Gray Champion. I first became aware of this short story in a book titled Generations: The History of America’s...

Providing Cultural Leadership Via the Viral Loop

Providing Cultural Leadership Via the Viral Loop

A tech savvy millennial generation led by liberal progressives is dominating the something I call the “viral loop.” The concept behind this is very simple: Display an image, meme, or short video with a teaser about more information if you “click on this link.” Clicking on the link takes you to a more in-depth article from a politically left-wing source. You are encouraged to share these sources so that your friends will repeat the process. This is the high-tech equivalent of “word of mouth marketing.” The question is: How do we on the conservative side compete when they seem to be so entrenched in the media culture?

The Unraveling: Trading In a Melting Pot for a Salad Bowl

The Unraveling: Trading In a Melting Pot for a Salad Bowl

The Declaration of Independence contains this immortal statement: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of...

The Unraveling: The Destruction of the Four Virtues

The Unraveling: The Destruction of the Four Virtues

In his book, Coming Apart, researcher Charles Murray identifies what he calls The Four Founding Virtues of American culture – industriousness, honesty, marriage, and religion. In this post, I would like to examine how a concerted effort led by liberal/progressive academics and their political allies among the elite ruling class of the 1920s and 30s worked to unravel these founding virtues.

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Conversations with the Culture is a monthly newsletter using the themes of modern movies and TV shows to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with people in search of an answer to the question, “What is Truth”?

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